The diary years!! I stumbled across my old ones about a year or two ago and I couldn’t stop cringing. So angry! So angsty!

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SO ANGSTY. It's wild. I remember just how much I felt then and how upset I was often when I felt the need to journal that way. It's so interesting to look back on and also... very cringe worthy.

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yes!!! I love looking back on it but it's a hard pill to swallow. Like, who WAS this girl and also IT'S GOING TO GET A LOT WORSE you need to calm down that Nick from Grade 7 isn't into you it's going to be ok

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Hahahaha that is so good and true though!

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Aug 17Liked by Kendra Mase

i 100% have seriously considered burning my high school journals. they’re not who i want to be remembered as and it was such a painful, awkward time. but i know at some point i’d regret it. been thinking about writing a piece on this as well!

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Exactly! I want them to be gone because I don't want anyone to remember me that way or even think of me in that light once upon a time. Maybe one day I'll get the courage to let them go. You should absolutely write that piece!

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Aug 16Liked by Kendra Mase

I love this post, because I also religiously kept a diary in my teenage years. And now that I’m moving to a different country, I’m wondering what to do with those memories.

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It's such a tricky choice! I knew I couldn't leave them behind in my childhood home for fear of someone I knew would stumble across them and not be able to help themselves. So for now they travel with me, but going abroad would make that even trickier! Definitely not enough suitcase space for them, so many find a nice safe spot for them?

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